18 September, 2003 (RAM) ----------------- Data type: "I" Bartington magnetometer MAG03-607 was installed with 24-bit A/D data acquisition system. Sensor alignment along geomagnetic EW was within 1 degree. 24 September, 2003 (RAM) -------------------- Re-alignment attempted with negligible improvement. 25 September, 2003 (RAM) -------------------- Further re-alignment. Measurements gave 40'' of arc shifted the D-component offset by approximately 650 nT giving a value of ~16nT/1'' arc. Using nighttime offset under quiet geomagnetic conditions, alignemt was to within several nT which equates to better than 1'' of arc alignment. Using the nighttime H-component offset under quiet conditions, the H-component was in agreement with the IGRF model computed value to within < 0.1%. 29 September, 2003 (RAM) ---------------------- Server at Culgoora down for a couple of hours. 30 September, 2003 (RAM) ---------------------- Server at Culgoora down intermittently over several hours. 16 May, 2004 (RAM) ---------------------- Maintanence work commencing on dome for several days likely to cause noise spikes in data. 9 January, 2006 (RAM) ---------------------- MAG PC lost network connection approx 0736UT on 8/1/06. Re-started approx 0430UT. 2 Feb, 2006 (RAM) ------------------ MAG PC power outage approx 0010UT. Re-started approx 0430UT. 6 Feb, 2006 (RAM) ----------------- MAG PC reset due to power outage. Logging re-started approx 0045UT. 7 Feb, 2006 (RAM) -------------------- MAG PC stopped recording approx 0630UT. Logging re-started manually 2015UT. -------------------------- 13 Feb, 2006 Restarted MAG PC logging approx 0730UT after network connection failed. RAM --------------------------- MAG PC logging restarted approx 2135UT on 14 Feb. RAM --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAG PC logging restarted approx 0030UT on 27 Feb, 2006. RAM ----------------------- 2 March, 2006 Logging stopped approx 0635UT on 2 March for testing. Restarted approx 0640UT. RAM ------------------------ MAG PC logging restarted approx 2030UT on 6 March. Logging stopped due to "config" error. RAM ---------------------- 6 March, 2006 MAG PC rebooted approx 2100UT to fix recurring "config" error. RAM -------------------------- 17 March, 2006 (BB/RAM) [1442210] Culgoora.mag red Thu Mar 16 14:13:55 2006 mI060316.clg was appended to 150 minutes ago ---------------------------- Mag PC reset and logging restarted approx 0005UT on 17 March. RAM ------------------------------------- 28 March, 2006 (BB/RAM) [7796910] Culgoora.mag red Tue Mar 28 16:35:12 2006 mI060328.clg was appended to 162 minutes ago ----------------------- 29 March, 2006 (RAM) Data conversion restarted approx 0120UT on 29 March. Conversion stopped due to bad data file. Processing backlog. ------------------------------ 6 April, 2006 (RAM) MAG PC rebooted and logging restarted approx 00UT on 6/4/06. ---------------------------- 17 April, 2006 (BB/RAM) [4023310] Culgoora.mag red Mon Apr 17 11:15:38 2006 mI060417.clg was appended to 268 minutes ago ---------------------- 9 July, 2006 [3120610] Culgoora.mag red Sun Jul 9 22:10:39 2006 mI060709.clg was appended to 517 minutes ago ----------------------------- 9 July, 2006 RAM Culg data logging stopped due to following message Data cannot be read properly from device you are using. Nigel will be restarting it shortly. -- Campbell ------------------------------ 16 October, 2006 (RAM) A corrupted file (probably written as the MAG PC power went out or was rebooted) created a large backlog of data which has now been converted. File was removed and the data is now up-to-date. RAM ----------------------------------------------------------- [1726610] Culgoora.mag red Wed Oct 25 22:16:03 2006 mI061025.clg was appended to 332 minutes ago ------------------------------------------------- MAG PC rebooted approx 0120UT 26/10/06. Logging restarted approx 0153UT 26/10/06. RAM ------------------------------------------------- [6301010] Culgoora.mag red Sat Oct 28 20:29:35 2006 mI061027.clg was appended to 1236 minutes ago ----------------------------------------------------- MAG PC rebooted and logging restarted 0040UT on 30/10/06. RAM ------------------------------------------------------------ [2718310] Culgoora.mag red Mon Oct 30 18:29:37 2006 mI061030.clg was appended to 516 minutes ago --------------------------------------------------- MAG PC rebooted 0315UT on 31/10/06. Logging stopped due to acquisition software error. RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------ Monday 12/11/06 22:00 UT The Cullgoora solar observatory will be down for several hours while power line filters are being installed. -- Colin -------------------------------------------------- [7378610] Culgoora.mag red Mon Nov 13 17:49:54 2006 mI061112.clg was appended to 1211 minutes ago ------------------------------------------------------- Logging failed as A/D card required re-seating. PC rebooted and logging restarted approx 0430UT on 14 November. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------------- [1313310] Culgoora.mag red Mon Dec 4 21:40:19 2006 mI061204.clg was appended to 1236 minutes ago -------------------------------------------------- 4 December, 2006 (RAM) Hi Nigel, Could you please restart the MAG PC logging. I cant get into it using VNC. Thanks. Richard ------------------------------------------------ Logging restarted 0140UT on 5/12/06. RAM --------------------------------------------------- [6719610] Culgoora.mag red Tue Dec 5 04:30:19 2006 mI061205.clg was appended to 152 minutes ago ----------------------------------------------- Logging stopped for unknown reason. Restarted 0436UT on 5/12/06. RAM --------------------------------------------------------- 5 December, 2006 (RAM) Application error caused logging to hault.....restarted 0710UT on 5/12/06. RAM -------------------------------------------------- 5 December, 2006 (RAM) Hi Nigel, The MAG PC logging software keeps hanging so I've exited the program. Could you please switch off the PC, re-seat the A/D card, switch the PC back on and when windows is back up restart the logging software. Thanks. Richard ------------------------------------------------------- [6292710] Culgoora.mag red Tue Dec 5 16:30:19 2006 mI061205.clg was appended to 527 minutes ago -------------------------------------------- 6 December, 2006 (RAM) MAG PC appears to have developed a fault and has been taken off-line. RAM ------------------------------------------------------ 21 February, 2007 (RAM) IPSMAG v2.3 data acquisition system installed. No data due to problems with the network connection. --------------------------------------------------------- 22 February, 2007 (RAM) FYI Stopped logging as nothing appears to be connected Also added mo to mag pc's ntp server list -- Campbell IT Services IPS Radio & Space Services ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 March, 2007 (RAM) Hi Richard, We had a big storm last night and cover over the magnetometer enclosure was blown off. The cover has been damaged in such a way that it is more likely to come off again, so I will get it repaired. The magnetometer looks OK, but there is some moisture inside its perspex cover. For now I have put the cover back. Do want me to bring it inside, remove the perspex and dry it out? Or something else? Regards, Nigel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 March, 2007 Modified stn.dat file at approximately: 0120UT - changed order of components 0130UT - scaled z-component by -1. RAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Config file stn.dat modified approx 0126UT on 13 March. D and Z components reversed and resolution multiplied by -1. RAM --------------------------------------------------------------- [7038310] Culgoora.mag red Tue Mar 20 14:52:15 2007 mI070320.clg was appended to 878 minutes ago ----------------------------------------------------------------- 21 March, 2007 (RAM) CULG MAG turned off due to dodgy data at Garth's request CJT ------------------------------------------------------------ 22 March, 2007 (RAM) The H-component data appears OK. The D-component data has degenerated to be poor and the Z-component is extremely noisy. Nigel has been requested to return the head to Sydney for further investigation. RAM ------------------------------------------------------- 26 March, 2007 Time checking and time error logging software on Curly switched off while data offline. RAM ----------------------------------------------------------- 4 April, 2007 MAG sensor failed bench tests. Sensor being returned to Bartington for diagnosis/repairs. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3 May, 2007 Bartington have informed us that the magnetometer head is beyond economical repair. The IPS magnetometer will not be replaced until funds are available for a replacement and will remain off-line until further notice. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 May, 2007 (CT/RAM) FYI A GPS disciplined NTP server is know up and running @ Culgoora. Garth & Nigel finished installing the hardware yesterday. Checks out OK. I have now added this NTP server to the configs on curly, mo and mag pc. ie. This is now the primary time source @ Culgoora. Ciao Campbell IT Services IPS Radio & Space Services --------------------------------------------------------- Updated z-offsets on Mon May 13 01:41:43 UTC 2013 --------------------------------------------- Entry added on Mon May 13 06:38:13 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:40:15 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:43:37 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 26 08:22:38 UTC 2013 Mofifications to software giving baseline shift from 00UT on 26/6/2013 _________________________________________ Entry added on Fri Jun 28 06:17:53 UTC 2013 Software updates created offset changes 00UT _________________________________________ Entry added on Thu Aug 11 04:16:56 UTC 2016 Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. 02 February, 2017 (JY) ----------------- Magnetometer swapped for a new Bartington MAG03-MSES-70. Oriented with Z-axis to magnetic North and Y-axis down. _________________________________________ 22 August, 2017 (JY) -------------------- Changed identifier letter from S to j.